When mulling over the best type of caster wheels/castor wheels for your unique application, there are a host of important factors to consider. Choosing the ideal casters for your needs can be stressful if unsure on where to start. As the best caster wheel manufacturer in India for more than 30 years, Comfort Castors has built a reputation as a leader in the industry through our sheer commitment to excellence and exceptional technologies.
The team at Comfort Castors takes an active role in education around caster technologies and workplace ergonomics. In this regard, we are often asked many questions about industrial casters. Having said that, here are some of the things you should know before buying casters.
Environmental Considerations for Choosing Casters
Even though it is essential that you factor in all your conditions at once while shopping for the right casters for dollies, the most important quality a cold environment caster can have been its resistance to compression set or ‘flat-spotting.’
Flat-spotting is when the combination of temperature and load cause a deformation in the wheels shape causing the contact area to freeze flat. This, in turn, makes it significantly harder to roll. Be sure to factor this in before paying for new heavy-duty casters.
Locking Technologies for Casters
It also pays off to understand the locking technologies for swivel casters before making this all-important purchase decision. Well, some casters are limited to a 2-slot configuration at 180 degrees, so it will only lock the wheel in parallel with the cart motion.
You might wonder, must the cart first be pushed in a straight path to align wheels and then lock them? Technically speaking, the pedal can be pushed prior to aligning the wheels, but the caster would not lock until it settles at the detect.
The best practice, in this regard, would be to push the cart forward to align the trolley casters appropriately and then engage the system so there is a guarantee of lock engagement. Only then can you get the most from your cart casters.
Caster Load Capabilities
Understanding your load capabilities is essential if you want to get the most from the best caster manufacturer in India. To determine the exact wheel capacity you’ll need, be sure to think about the total weight your trolley wheels will be carrying. Use this simple calculation to determine your coaster load capacity, add the weight of your cart together with its content. You should then divide the number of casters you will be needing.
In this regard, the most important factors to remember is your capacity should exceed the total weight of your load. Moreover, your carts may not always be rolling over even surfaces. Remember, how you arrange your cart could add excess weight to your casters. So, it’s always good to have a safety factor built into your load capacity calculation.
Ensure you partner with, Comfort Castors, a top caster company in India, to make an informed purchase decision without strain.