Software as a Service (SaaS0 backup strategy entails creating copies and storing data in the cloud. It is worth mentioning that businesses carry the sole responsibility of backing up their own do. They can choose to do this manually or simply find a trustworthy partner to offer SaaS backup and restore services.
Keeping data safe in the cloud is essential, so finding the right SaaS backup tools have become a growing area of interest. Here are a few important things to factor in when evaluating your SaaS backup strategy, as well as some best practices for data loss prevention.
Determine your RPO and RTO
You need to determine your recovery point objective (RPO) and recovery time objective (RTO) before deciding on anything. Keep in mind RPO implies to the amount of data that you’re willing to lose. Remember, there’s no way you can recover data that has been changed since the last backup, so consider leveraging high-frequency backups, or at least backing up daily.
As for RTO, it implies to how quickly you need your data recovered. If you’ve done a bit of research here and there, you already know that cloud data protection platforms can recover your data in minutes, as opposed to the days or weeks that some-out-of-the-box solutions require. Your RTO goes a long way towards determining what SaaS backup solution is ideal for you.
Are You Able to Recover Data and Metadata?
Data recovery is great, but you should never forget to back up metadata and attachments as well. Without metadata, trying to rebuild the relationships between Salesforce data objects can be a stressful and time-consuming process. And without the ability to maintain these relationships, you can rest in knowing that you will only have partial restore capabilities. For this reason, you should consider looking for SaaS backup tools that can recover metadata and attachments.
Losing vital data is a nightmare for businesses, more so when data is fueling so many organizations. Coming up with a robust SaaS backup strategy will certainly help you be better prepared for the unexpected.